Apple butter

Published: 2023-09-10

Last Updated: 2023-09-10


Info Amount
Prep Time 1 h
Cook Time 7 h
Yields 7 cups


Quantity Item
2.5 kg crabapples
3 cup water
3/2 cup sugar 1
2 lemons, juiced
2 tsp ground cinnamon


  1. Quarter and core the apples.
  2. Add apples, water, sugar, and lemon juice to a slow cooker, cooking on high for 2 h.
  3. Use an immersion blender and blend the sauce together.
  4. Continue to cook on high for another 5 - 6 h, until the sauce is thickened and golden brown.
  5. Add cinnamon and extra sugar, if desired, to taste, stirring altogether.


  1. Original recipe: Champagne Tastes
  2. Apple butter will last in the fridge in an airtight container for ~ 1 month, or the freezer for ~ 6 months.

  1. White sugar, brown sugar, or another kind of sugar are all acceptable, depending on the desired flavour. ↩︎