Chicken tikka masala

Published: 2022-11-12

Last Updated: 2024-05-23


Info Amount
Prep Time 10 min
Cook Time 15 min
Yields 4 servings


Quantity Item
1 cup basmati rice
2 chicken breasts
1 white onion, diced
2 carrots, diced
15 oz chickpeas
400 mL Tikka masala sauce
olive oil
Kosher salt


  1. Cook the rice according to instructions.
  2. While rice is cooking, heat olive oil and salt over medium-high heat in a large saucepan.
    • If using frozen chicken, cook until sealed, then place on a cutting board
  3. Sautee the diced onion.
    • When soft, add diced carrots.
  4. Add diced chicken and cook until sealed.
  5. Reduce heat, pour in tikka masala sauce, and add chickpeas.
    • Cover and simmer for 10 min, stirring occasionally.
  6. When rice has finished cooking, remove saucepan from heat and allow both to cool for a few minutes.
  7. Plate rice and spoon chicken, vegetables, and tikka masala over rice.