
Published: 2022-07-25

Last Updated: 2023-12-28


Info Amount
Prep Time 15 min
Cook Time 5 min
Yields 1 cup


Quantity Item
1 clove garlic
3 Tbsp tahini
15 oz can chickpeas
1 lemon, juiced
2 Tbsp olive oil
1 tsp salt
2 Tbsp parsley, roughly chopped


  1. Put all ingredients, except for parsley, in a food processor and blend until smooth 1
  2. Use a spoon or spatula to fold in the chopped parsley
  3. Pour into a serving dish, and spread with a spoon or spatula
    1. Make small troughs in the hummus and drizzle with olive oil
    2. Sprinkle with salt, cumin, and sumac to taste

References & Notes

  1. Inspiring recipes: Food Republic, Classic Chickpea Hummus, Refika’s Kitchen
  2. Cover, store in the fridge for up to a week

  1. If blending for a while, add ice cubes to keep cool. This will get blended into the hummus and melt, which will make it slightly less viscous. ↩︎